Climate reporting
Ethos offers tailored and innovative reporting solutions that enable institutional investors to quickly and easily produce sustainability reports that meet the latest transparency requirements.
These reporting solutions complement the reporting solutions already offered by Ethos, whether for proxy voting services or engagement. It enables institutional investors to comply with new climate transparency requirements, such as the ASIP and AMAS recommendations on ESG reporting. The Ethos platform allows investors to automatically generate reports that comply with these new requirements.
Analysis of strategies and climate risks
Climate change is not only a major threat to the environment and the survival of life itself, but also a major risk for the economy and investors.
The Ethos climate transition ratings methodology assesses the credibility of companies' climate transition plans. Based on this credibility factor, Ethos assigns a temperature score to listed companies. This score reflects the increase, in degrees, that would be achieved on a global scale by 2100 if the entire economy acted with the same ambition and the same climate performance as the analysed company.
This methodology also makes it possible to measure the extent to which a company's activities are affected by climate change (double materiality). This is done by measur-ing their exposure to three categories of material risks: physical risks (owning assets in regions threatened by rising sea levels, for example), financial risks linked to changes in the price of carbon (in particular the impact of an increase on the company's results) and, finally, the risks of being exposted to climate-related litigation (mainly claims for non-compliance with environmental regulations).